"Why the Crime Branch in Tamil Nadu is unable to track down film producer Madhan, inspite of a lapse of 70 days since they were handed over the case?" asked a division bench comprising Justices S Nagamuthu and V Bharathidasan while hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Madhan's mother Thangam.
The court asked the investigating officer appointed by the court to handle the case, as to why two persons related to the case had not yet been called for questioning.
The court directed the investigating officer to produce all the records relating to the case bytomorrow.
Madhan of Vendhar Movies was reported 'missing' sinceMay 28, when he left Chennai leaving behind a 'suicide note' stating that he would kill himself in Varanasi.
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He had allegedly acknowledged having collected several crore of rupees from parents and students aspiring for MBBS seats in SRM groups of institutions.
Earlier, R C Paul Kanagaraj, appearing for 16 parents/students, submitted that they had paid several lakhs each for a medical seat in the SRM college/university.
Now, admission has closed and even classes have started, he said, adding that these parents and many more like them had got neither the money nor MBBS seat.
On July 28, the Crime Branch had informed the high court that Madhan is very much alive.
Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police S Radhakrishnan, who is investigating the case, had told the court that the materials collected prima facie revealed that he was very much alive.
Radhakrishnan had filed a status report in the court on two cases entrusted to him for investigation.
On June 6, Madhan's mother had filed the habeas corpus petition seeking a direction to Virugambakkam police to produce her son before the court.