During the Question Hour, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said the draft of the law has been prepared and sent to the Home Department for consideration and it will be tabled in the winter session of the State Legislature.
The CM was responding to NCP MLC Prakash Binsale, who had questioned the government on the action it had taken on properties of government officials who have been accused of corruption in last few months.
Fadnavis said when cases of corruption reach courts, it takes years before a final conclusion is arrived at and in the meantime, those accused manage to get a stay order on their properties that have been seized by the investigation agencies.
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Fadnavis said the government will also take suggestions from legislators before bringing the law into effect.
While responding to another query, Fadnavis said only certain government officials were earlier required to declare their properties but the new government has issued a government resolution, where it has been made compulsory for all government officials, including those working at local levels like Zilla Parishads and Municipal corporations to declare their properties.