Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis moved the resolution of condolence and was supported by the Leader of Opposition Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil.
Besides Ghoda, the MLA from Dahanu Assembly constituency, the tributes were also paid to former members including ministers late Govindrao Adik, Baliram Hiray, Salim Zakaria, Sheshrao Apparao Deshmukh, Madhavrao Shivajirao Pawar, Vikramsinh Jaisingrao Ghatge, Narayan Kanhoba Bhagat, Sampatrao Annasaheb Chavan, Kisanrao Laxmanrao Kale, Shankar Marya Chavan.
Among the ordinances tabled today were amendment to Marine Fishing Regulation Act, Entertainment Duty Act, Fisheries Act, Land Revenue Code Act, apart from the supplementary demands for 2015-16.