Maharashtra BJP chief ChandrakantPatil on Saturday launched a counter attack on Maharashtra Minister Jayant Patil for reportedly asking the BJP to focus on doing relief work during the coronavirus outbreak.The BJP leader asked Jayant Patil what contribution ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) constituents Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress have made in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.The state BJP chief had recently questioned the Maharashtra cabinet after it decided to recommend Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray's name as the nominated member of the Legislative Council from the governor's quota at a time when the fight against the COVID 19 is on.Hitting out, Maharashtra NCP chief Jayant Patil told a Marathi news channel the BJP leader should rather participate in the fight against the COVID-19."Instead of appealing to us, he (Jayant Patil) should make such an appeal to the MVA constituents. What is their contribution in the fight against coronavirus?" Chandrakant Patil asked in a statement.The former revenue minister said the BJP has been running 560 community kitchens and providing food or ration to 43 lakh needy people, and claimed it had distributed more than 6.50 lakh masks and 4.75 lakh sanitisers, and collected 5000 units of blood."The blood banks have told (the BJP) there is no place with them to store (additional) blood now. Therefore, (the BJP) has stopped blood donation and is preparing a list of donors. The BJP workers have lists of 22,000 blood donors with them," he claimed."Where are the Shiv Sena, NCP and Congress in this battle? Jayant Patil should speak on this," he said.