Maharashtra police officials Monday displayed their creative bent of mind at the firstever state police literary meet held here, a rare departure from their daily grind to uphold law and order.
The literary gathering was the first such initiative to provide a platform to police officials of various ranks to showcase their word might.
At the occasion, Nanded police constable Yogesh Gaikhe's poem on 'We Maharashtra Police' and Assistant Police Inspector Pravin Phanse's ballad on police's response to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, won commendation.
State Director General of Police (DGP) Datta Padsalgikar termed as "pride" the writers and poets from the police force.
More than 200 officials who double up as writers, poets and novelists attended the event, which brought police constables and senior IPS officers on the common stage.
"Police usually do not get time for literature as their routine is stressful due to continuous work load. During the festive season too they have to perform duty," the DGP said.
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It is a big achievement for the police force that the officials, who generally could not find time for physical activity during duty, are involved in a conceptual writing and reading, the top cop said while expressing the need to organise such events at regular intervals.
Nagpur city police commissioner B K Upadhyay, who is also a prolific writer, said literature helps to overcome job-related stress.
Upadhyay delivered a speech during a session on "Mental stress, social responsibility and police literature's conceptual value".
The chairman of the litfest B G Shekhar hailed it as a "big moment" for creative individuals of the police force.
Inspector Generals of Police Krishna Prakash and Quaiser Khalid, Deputy Inspector General of Police Datta Karale also showcased their word prowess.