The Maharashtra Assembly on Mondaypassed the Food Safety Standards Act to make provision for appeal against the order of the commissioner of food safety.The bill was moved by FDA minister Rajendra Shingne, though Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadnavis claimed the bill would promote corruption."Why is there a need for a second appeal to the state government," Fadnavis asked.Shingne said Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 was enacted only to regulate manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of food.Food business operators are given sufficient time to comply with improvement notices, failing which their licences are suspended or cancelled.The Act provides for appeal against order of cancellation or suspension or revocation of license to the commissioner of food safety.However, the Act doesn't contain provision for appeal against the order of commissioner of food safety.The amendment has been made to provide for second appeal to the state government to ensure aggrieved persons get an additional opportunity to appeal against order of cancellation or suspension or revocation of licence.