"Nobody has expressed dissatisfaction to me (over Maria's appointment)... There are no reasons for any such disgruntlement," Home Minister R R Patil told reporters here.
Patil's comments came after reports that Maria's appointment as the head of Mumbai's 40,000 strong police force has led to resentment. Two other contenders for the coveted post -- Vijay Kamble, ADG (State Highway Traffic) and Ahmed Javed, ADG (Law and Order), are reportedly miffed over being sidelined.
"We also take into consideration factors like the quantum of tenure left; in which branch he has worked earlier; what problems is the city facing now...The government weighs on all these factors and takes the final decision," Patil said.
"As per the Supreme Court directives, the police establishment board was set up and it suggested three names. Though it is the prerogative of the government and it is a fact that till today seniority has not been the only criterion in these appointments. Despite all this, as far as possible, we consider seniority also but we have to take into account all the other things also," Patil said.