Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Patangrao Kadam told reporters that a total of 1,549 tankers were supplying drinking water to 1,439 villages and 3,469 wadis (hamlets) in the state.
He said that the state government has provided Rs 106 crore so far to local bodies in the places which are facing water scarcity.
"Last year 5,660 tankers were supplying drinking water as compared to this year's 1,549," Kadam said.
The minister toured Nashik, Pune and Aurangabad districts in the last three days to take a stock of the scarcity situation.
"Under the rural employment guarantee scheme, 27,188 works are in progress and 2,92,161 people have been given employment," Kadam said.
Last year the government undertook construction of cement check dams in scarcity-hit areas, and they were proving useful, he said.