The overall passing percentage in the state is 79.95.
The passing percentage for girls is 84.06, compared to 76.62 of boys.
Results for all the nine divisions - Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Amravati, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Latur and Konkan - were simultaneously declared.
Over 10.88 lakh students appeared in the Class XII exam this year.
The division wise number of candidates registered, appeared for exam, passed and the passing percentage is as follows:
Pune-186713, 185287, 151769, 81.91; Nagpur-135410, 134350, 98215, 73.10; Aurangabad- 97894, 96086, 81925, 85.26; Mumbai -267818, 266449, 204655, 76.81; Kolhapur- 105385, 104567, 87981, 84.14; Amravati- 86371, 85175, 70003, 82.19; Nasik- 130006, 129102, 102004, 79.01; Latur- 60528, 59140, 49404, 83.54; and Konkan- 28584, 28497, 24474, 85.88.