Raids in Palghar and Kolhapurdistricts in Maharashtra by personnel from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and other agencies netted 484 kilograms of ephedrine, a controlled substance under the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act, and Rs 89 lakh cash, an official said on Friday.The raid was carried out by DRI Mumbai in Vasai and Boisar in Palghar, and, with the help of Directorate General of GST Intelligence-Belgaum, in Kolhapur, some 470 kilometres from here, said DRI deputy director Yogesh Loke."The searches were carried out in Jagdamba Chemicals in Boisar MIDC, at residences of those involved and in a makeshift factory in Kolhapur. We seized 483.53 kg ephedrine in liquid and slurry form from the Boisar unit, and 384 gms of ephedrine in powder form from one of the residences along with Rs 89 lakh cash," Loke told PTI.He identified the arrested as main accused Rakesh Khanivdekar alias Rocky, chemist Ravi Singh and Pradip Thokade, who is the owner of Jagdamba Chemicals.Loke said the raids were carried out by a 30-member team that comprised DRI officials, personnel from Vasai division of Customs (Preventive) and Directorate General of GST Intelligence.