A couple from Pune, who were thefirst positive coronavirus cases in Maharashtra, tested negative for the disease after their incubation period of 14 days, said a health official on Monday.The Pune-based couple, along with their daughter, was part of a tourist group of 40 which had returned to Mumbai from Dubai on March 1. They had travelled to Pune by cab.The daughter of the couple and the cab driver also tested positive for the coronavirus subsequently."Today, the couple's samples were sent for testing to NIV (National Institute of Virology) here after they completed 14 days here at Naidu Hosptial. Their tests have come negative."As per the protocol, fresh samples will be again sent to NIV on Tuesday morning and if they, too, test negative, the couple will be discharged from the hospital," said the health official.Their daughter, who is in her 20s, and the cab driver are still in the hospital and their samples will be sent for testing after they complete 14-day incubation period, he added.