Speaking to reporters here, state Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar said the committee will examine the Budget and find out how best the state can bring more centrally funded schemes and more funds for state schemes.
"The committee will recommend how more effectively can the state implement its own and centrally funded schemes. The committee is tasked to submit its report to the government before the state Budget due in mid-March," he said.
Earlier every department drew up plans to attract funds and schemes from the Center; but many times individual departments were found wanting in the ability to get maximum funds and schemes from the Center, Mungantiwar said.
Mungantiwar said the state will find out ways to attract schemes to boost rural infrastructure and implement schemes in a time-bound manner.
"The state government has already begun digitisation of 1.25 lakh Primary Health Centres (PHC) in rural Maharashtra and hence needs more funds," he said.