An initiative of the Tamil Nadu Government, the expo gives an opportunity to showcase hand made products made by SHGs hailing from various districts.
The Mahalir Mela 2014 began on December 20, 2013 ahead of Christmas celebrations and concluded on January 19, 2014 following the culmination of Pongal festivals.
"It has generated a record business of Rs 54.21 lakh during the period", an official release said.
Self-Help Groups from Kancheepuram district made the highest business of Rs 3.28 lakh followed by Dindigul district Rs 2.62 lakh and Coimbatore district at Rs 2.08 lakh, it said.
Lauding the SHGs for generating record business, he said last year the business generated was only Rs 32.20 lakh.
There are about five lakh women SHGs operating in the state, the release added.