Questioning use of suffix "great" after Akbar, the governor said, "Desh ki prerna ke shroyt Akbar nahin balki Maharan Pratap hain" (Maharana Pratap is the source of inspiration not Akbar)."
The education department should run such courses in which Maharana Pratap's life and his struggle should be mentioned specifically, he said after presenting awards to teachers at Bhamashah Samman Samaroh here yesterday.
"Maharana Pratap was an idol of sacrifice and struggle, and he was never defeated by any adverse conditions and thus, he is inspirational, ideal and great," the governor said.
His comments came after Union Minister Rajnath Singh had on May 17 in Pratapgarh welcomed Rajasthan government's decision to include a chapter on iconic figures like Maharana Pratap in school textbooks and said he would urge the HRD minister to consider inclusion of such chapters in CBSE syllabus.
He had said the Centre has decided to celebrate the 475th birth anniversary of the Maharana this year all over the country in a big way and a committee has been formed for then same at the central level.