As many as 88 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Maharashtra on Thursday, taking the tally to 423, while the death toll rose to 21, said health officials.
Five more coronavirus-related deaths, one of them a woman, were reported in the state since Wednesday evening - four in Mumbai and one in Pune - taking the count to 21.
As many as 42 patients have been discharged from hospitals following recovery from the disease, they said.
At 235, Mumbai city tops in the number of cases in Maharashtra, which is leading the nation-wide coronavirus tally among states. The financial capital also leads in death count with 17.
All the four deceased from Mumbai were men who had some pre-existing illnesses, said a state health official here.
One of them, a 61-year-old man admitted to civic-run Nair Hospital on March 31, was already suffering from blood cancer. Another COVID-19 patient (58), who died in Sion Hospital, was suffering from hypertension and illness related to urinary bladder, he said.
The third fatality was a 63-year-old man admitted to Kasturba Hospital, they said.