On the 90th anniversary of thehistoric 'Dandi March', Mahatma Gandhi's great grandson Tushar Gandhi on Thursday embarked on a foot march from the Sabarmati Ashram here to Dandi in Navsari district.He expects to complete the 386-km-long journey in 26 days, the same number of days that the Father of the Nation and his followers took to traverse the distance between the two points during the Salt Satyagraha of 1930."Since it is the 90th anniversary of the historic Dandi Kooch, I thought we should re-enact it. I had done it on its 75th anniversary also," Tushar Gandhi said.The march will be held in solidarity with the Constitution and for harmony, unity and peace in the country, he said."We will re-enact the march with the same schedule that was followed by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930, concluding it at Rashtriya Smarak in Dandi on April 6," he said.A few Congress Seva Dal members also joined Tushar Gandhi on the first day of the march."Some of workers will walk with Tushar Gandhi on the first day of the march to show our solidarity," Congress Seva Dal leader Lalji Rabari said.The Congress party in Gujarat had earlier planned to take out a similar march to Dandi from Thursday. However, it postponed the event due to the coronavirus scare that has gripped the country.On March 12, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi had walked from the Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi to break the salt tax law imposed by the British. It was an act of civil disobedience to protest the British rule in India.