Special CBI Judge Swarana Kanta Sharma remanded Kumar, Member (Staff) Railway Board, in CBI's custody, saying he is the "main person" in the case and he is required to be confronted with other co-accused to whom he had assured that if he is posted as Member (Electrical) Railway Board, he will "abuse his official position" and grant them "undue and illegal favours".
"Since accused Mahesh Kumar had allegedly assured the rest of the accused persons i.E. Narain Rao Manjunath, Rahul Yadav and Samir Sandhir that in case he is posted as Member (Electrical) Railway Board, he will abuse his official position and will grant them undue and illegal favours, he needs to be confronted with them to dig out the actual truth," the judge said.
"In such circumstances, I grant police custody remand of accused Mahesh Kumar till May 9," the judge said.
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CBI sought five days custody of Kumar saying he is the main accused in the case and his custodial interrogation was required to unearth the entire conspiracy.
It said that he is the one for whom the entire money arrangement was being made.