Maize prices rallied by 1.82 per cent to Rs 1,234 per quintal in futures trade today after accumulated of bets by the investors in line with upbeat physical markets sentiment.
Market players attributed the upsurge in the prices to thin supplies from growing regions amid a boost in demand in spot markets.
Besides, the rising trend overseas also helped to encourage traders for the building up of fresh positions, they quoted.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange counter, maize delivery for the far contract June hardened by Rs 22 or 1.82 per cent to Rs 1,234 per quintal, persisting an open interest of 1,990 lots.
Similarly, the delivery of the first contract May looked up by Rs 8 or 0.67 per cent to Rs 1,204 per quintal, with the business turnover of 2,940 open lots.