According to Delhi Traffic Police, a severe congestion was reported near the toll booth on NH-8 in the morning, and within hours a long tailback was witnessed in the entire stretch up to Dhaula Kuan.
The congestion at Dhaula Kuan further clogged the arterial roads, including the Ring Road stretch connecting west Delhi with south Delhi, Sardar Patel Marg towards New Delhi and Vandemataram Marg connecting central Delhi, said a traffic official.
Major traffic snarl was also reported in south Delhi's Ashram Chowk and the DND Flyway connecting Delhi with Noida, said the official.
"Traffic was heavy in and around Rajpath, Janpath crossing, Rafi Marg, Vijay Chowk and almost all stretches near Rashtrapati Bhavan in view of the March for India procession," said the traffic official.
Traffic jam also occurred at the C-Hexagon near India Gate in the peak hours, the official added.