All India Brewers Association Director-General Shobhan Roy said the current policies pertaining to alco-bev sector in India are driving people towards consumption of hard spirits.
"There is a strong need to delink beer from hard spirits and rationalisation of taxes as per actual alcohol content to bring a slow but definite change in consumption pattern. Just like other parts of the world, the emphasis will then shift to not only controlling consumption but to reducing intake of more hard spirits," Roy said in a statement.
"It is time beer should be delinked from hard liquor in terms of perception, taxation, availability and distribution," he said.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country has been historically skewed towards hard liquor (spirits and country liquor) as against low alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine, the statement said.
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Claiming that beer has much lower content of alcohol compared to IMFL and country liquor, the AIBA said its "moderate consumption" as against other forms of alcohol products may lead to reduction in the level of intoxication and hence positive societal impact.
In Telangana, 515 lakh cases of IMFL are sold annually as against 500 lakh cases of beer. In terms of absolute alcohol, 1,983 lakh litres of IMFL and just 234 lakh litres of beer is being consumed annually, AIBA said.
The AIBA further said there is only one outlet for 18,000 people compared to 300 in China.
The world over, beer accounts for 80 per cent of the market where as in India it is a meagre 35 per cent and on absolute alcohol content basis it is less than 18 per cent, it said.