Diplomats said Malaysia's UN Ambassador Ramlan Bin Ibrahim informed council members yesterday that the resolution is being prepared by the five countries investigating the crash and will be under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which can be enforced militarily.
New Zealand's UN Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen, the current council president, told reporters after Malaysia's closed-door briefing that the five countries Malaysia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Australia and Belgium are seeking "criminal accountability" for the downing of the aircraft.
Controversy continues over who downed the plane. Ukraine and the West suspect it was destroyed by a Russian surface-to-air missile fired by Russian soldiers or Russia-backed separatist rebels fighting in the area. Moscow denies that and Russian officials and state media have alleged the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian missile or a warplane.
Diplomats said Russia, a veto-wielding member of the Security Council, holds the key to adoption of a resolution.
Malaysian diplomat Johan Ariff Abdul Razak said after council discussions that "our sense was that all council members including Russia were open to further consider the matter."