Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi will be the first jihadist to appear before the tribunal in The Hague, and the first person to face a main war crimes charge for an attack on a global historic and cultural monument.
A member of an Islamic court set up by the jihadists to enforce strict sharia law, Faqi is said to have jointly ordered or carried out the destruction of nine mausoleums and Timbuktu's famous Sidi Yahia mosque dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries.
Faqi will also be the first person to appear at the ICC on charges arising out of the violence which rocked the western African nation of Mali, where stretches of the remote north still remain out of government control.
"The people of Mali deserve justice for the attacks against their cities, their beliefs and their communities," ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said at the time of Faqi's arrest in Niger and transfer to the ICC in September 2015.
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They concerned "the destruction of irreplaceable historic monuments" as well as "a callous assault on the dignity and identity of entire populations, and their religious and historical roots."
Founded between the 11th and 12th centuries by Tuareg tribes, Timbuktu was dubbed "the city of 333 saints" and added to the list of UNESCO world heritage sites in 1988.
Despite having been a centre of Islamic learning during its golden age in the 15th and 16th centuries, it was considered idolatrous by the jihadists.
During the two-day hearing, prosecutors will be seeking to persuade a three-judge panel that they have enough evidence to put Faqi on trial.
A trial will "set a precedent for trying individuals for this crime at a time when attacks on historic and cultural monuments as well as other cultural crimes have gained prevalence and attention in Syria and elsewhere," he said.