Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao Friday asked officials to complete on a war footing the rehabilitation and distribution of financial assistance to those displaced by Mallanna Sagar reservoir.
Observing that providing compensation to the displaced persons was almost over, he directed that remaining little bit be completed and a report sent to the state high court before May 11, according to a CMO release.
The chief minister discussed the issue with the officials in the backdrop of recent observations made by the high court over compensation, it said.
Observing that about Rs 800 crore was being spent towards compensation and rehabilitation of Mallanna Sagar displaced people, Rao said it is unfortunate despite so much is done, circumstances leading to courts interference are happening.
Rao instructed Chief Secretary S K Joshi to personally monitor and supervise the process of paying compensation to the displaced persons, it said.
The Mallanna Sagar reservoir is being constructed with 50 TMC capacity as part of Kaleswaram irrigation project, which is being built at an estimated cost of Rs one lakh crore to irrigate over 40 lakh acres, the release said.