The Sneha Shivir scheme, introduced recently, is a community based approach for the prevention and management of severe malnourished children and women.
At present, children between the age of 0-6 years, pregnant and lactating mothers and severely malnourished children are provided supplementary nutrition under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).
The initiative, which is a part of the entire process of strengthening and reconstructing of the ICDS, were declared by WCD Minister Krishna Tirath at the first meeting of the National Mission Steering Group (NMSG) here.
Tirath said angwanwadi workers and supervisors would now be trained and sensitised on Japanese encephalitis/acute encephalitis at an estimated cost of Rs 27.85 crore.
The minister further discussed other issues related to the implementation of the strengthened and restructured ICDS scheme.
The meeting was attended ministers-in-charge of WCD from Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Chief Secretaries of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Rajasthan and Assam were also present.