West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Tuesday blamed the Railways of negligence and callousness over the stampede on a foot overbridge at Santragachi station, in which two persons died.
Banerjee, who visited the station after the incident, said there should be more internal coordination to prevent such situation.
"I feel there is a gap in coordination and Railways should look into it, they should have given some time gap between the arrival of two trains when the passengers have to change platforms," she said.
"Such situations occur due to negligence and callousness, Railways should act in a more responsible way," Banerjee, who is a former Railway minister, said adding such situation do not occur if precautions are taken in advance.
Noting that "safety and security cannot be compromised," Banerjee said that Railways did not seek any help from the state government during the festive season for crowd management.
Separately in a Tweet, she said "another unfortunate incident on railways today. Sadly, too many such tragedies are happening like this even during festive season, including Amritsar."
Referring to the Amritsar incident, she said "the Railways must be more careful and cannot shirk its responsibility."