Rajkumar, who has not been taking care of the family and asked to vacate the house for non-payment of rent, had taken his wife Vasantha and her children Nandhini (5) and Kamesh (7) to the Katoorani forest.
He left them in the forest and went away without informing them. The three were found struggling for livelihood by people living in forest fringe yesterday and they informed police.
Inspector Meenambal of All-Women Police station here rushed to the forest and rescued the woman and the children.
The man was a spendthrift and had not been taking care of the family. Since he had not paid rent for the house in which they were last staying, the house owner asked him to vacate, they said.
Others in the area also declined to let out house to him knowing his track record following which he took his family members and abandoned them in the forest, police added.