The accused, Dinesh Uikey, was arrested last night, police said adding the man had first hit her face with a burning wood about a month back, which had left permanent scar on her face as she was determined to pursue her studies.
On January 10, he again assaulted her on her head with a stone over the same issue, they added.
Uikey was arrested after a case was registered under sections 307 (attempt to murder) and 326 (voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means) of IPC against him on the basis of his daughter's statement, police said.
In a related development, Betul's Kotwali Police Station In-charge, Madan Mohan Choudhary announced to adopt the girl and took the responsibility of her further education.
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The minor girl, a student of class V at a government school at Maramjhiri, had been admitted to Betul district hospital, where she is undergoing treatment for her injuries and is reported to be out of danger.
Earlier, the distraught girl told reporters that her father was against her attending school and used to ill-treat her for continuing with her studies instead of selling wood.