A man was arrested in Kolkata'sUltadanga area for allegedly duping a youth after promising him a job in the state government's health department, police said on Wednesday.Santosh Hazra (37), a resident of Berhampore in Murshidabad district, was arrested on Tuesday night for allegedly taking Rs 5 lakh from a youth promising him the job, a senior officer of Kolkata Police said."The accused person is part of a fake job racket. He had handed over a fake appointment letter to the complainant in exchange of Rs 5 lakh," he said."During the investigation, we found that the accused had cheated other job seekers as well, promising them jobs in different state government departments," the officer said.Photocopies of admit cards of several candidates appearing for a recruitment examination of the West Bengal Police and fake appointment letters have been seized from him, he said.Three persons, suspected to be part of the same racket, were arrested earlier. They are in judicial custody till February 27.