The accused, identified as Pintu Solanki, was arrested last night for allegedly killing his four-month-old daughter Sejal at Dedarda village in Borsad tehsil of Anand district, Local Crime Branch, Anand, police inspector J B Gohil said.
The incident took place on October 2 night, when the accused threw his baby into the well outside the house just because she was crying continuously after suffering an epileptic attack, he said.
Solanki was arrested after the body was fished out from the well, following which the accused confessed to his crime, Gohil said.
Solanki's wife Shilpa, however, on October 3, filed a missing complaint with the police, following which local crime branch police launched a search and recovered the baby's body from the well, he said.
A case has been registered against Solanki under IPC Section 302 (punishment for murder) and the body sent for post-mortem.