Ashok Chautala had allegedly paid a contract amount of Rs 20 lakh to Jitender Fauji (24) and Neetu Kala (26) for the alleged assassination of his father, Maman Chautala, who is a landlord at Bankner village in Delhi's Narela area, said Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ravindra Yadav.
According to police, Maman was allegedly stabbed to death during his morning walk on November 2 last year and a case under Section 302 (murder) of IPC was registered at Narela police station.
During interrogation, Chautala disclosed that he had taken a loan of around Rs 70 lakh to meet compensation amount to be paid to his wife whom he had divorced. He was also into betting and had gone through heavy losses last year.
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Maman had refused to give any money to his son - being highly disappointed with his lifestyle - and also disowned him, ensuring that he doesn't inherit any of his property.
Later, when junior Chautala got to learn that his father was planning to name his married sister as the sole heir to his property, he allegedly hatched the conspiracy to eliminate him before he came up with his will, said the official.
The official added that Fauji and Kala also confessed to have stabbed Maman to death with a Gupti (a long pointed Indian traditional dagger) around 6.30 AM on November 2, 2014, after they were given details about his morning walk route.