Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Ashutosh Kumar sentenced Delhi resident Vipin Nagar to detention "till rising of the court," showing leniency to him because he was the sole bread earner of his family.
"...I am of the considered opinion that the trial court has rightly not released the appellant/convict (Vipin) on probation. However, the grounds cited by the counsel for Vipin are sufficient for reducing the actual sentence.
"Accordingly, the order of sentence dated August 9, 2012 of the trial court is modified and the appellant is sentenced to imprisonment till rising of the court...," the court said.
Vipin came to the sessions court seeking leniency after a magisterial court had on August 9 sentenced him to 20 days in jail with a fine of Rs 3,500 for driving a motorbike without valid documents under the influence of liquor in South-West Delhi.
Seeking leniency, Vipin's counsel told the ASJ that he is 26-years-old and sole bread earner for his family consisting of old aged parents and one younger brother and sister and he is working as a Supervisor at a factory here.
The counsel said Vipin is a first-time offender and sending him to jail would unnecessarily traumatize and create hardships for his family.
The convict himself has told the judge that he will not repeat the act in future and so he be released.