The deceased, Brijesh Kumar, was manager at a Faridabad-based export company. He got married in February and lived with his wife and parents at a rented house in Tughlaqabad Extension.
According to police, the incident took place yesterday afternoon when Kumar was working on his laptop, with its battery being charged with the help of an extension cord.
It was Kumar's wife who found him lying unconscious. His relatives rushed him to the Majeedia Hospital in Tughlakabad, where doctors declared him dead and the authorities informed the police.
"His body has been sent for postmortem examination and the exact cause of death is yet to be ascertained. No complaint has been received or case registered in connection with the incident so far," said a senior police official.
From preliminary investigation it appears to be a case of electrocution but, at this point, it can't be said that the laptop caused the death.
It is also possible that Kumar came in contact with the extension wire, leading to the electrocution, the official said adding that the statement of Kumar's wife is also yet to be recorded, following which the sequence of events can be verified.