The Kerala police nabbed one Manoj alias Samiyar from Walayar in the neighbouring state on a tip off and handed him over to the Tamil Nadu police, which is probing into the loot-cum-killing at Kodanadu estate bungalow.
The police said Manoj is suspected to have arranged the gang involved in the break-in and the killing of the guard on April 24.
Four persons have already been arrested for the alleged involvement in the murder-cum-dacoity case.
Manoj, allegedly having links with hawala transactors, was interrogated in the presence of Deputy Inspector General Deepak Tomar and Nilgiris district Superintendent of Police Murali Rambha at the Kothagiri police station in the hilly district, they said.
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He was also taken to Kodanadu, the crime spot where the guard was hacked to death and another guard injured by a 11-member gang, suspected to have stolen some valuables and documents from the bungalow.
According to the police, the gang members had planned the dacoity based on Kanakaraj's information that there was a huge amount of cash in the bungalow.
The Kodanadu estate figures in a disproportionate assets case involving jailed AIADMK general secretary V K Sasikala and late Jayalalithaa, among others.