Special Judge Shail Jain said that "ends of justice will meet" if Delhi resident, Sanjay, is sentenced to 18 months in jail, the period already undergone by him in judicial custody for the offence. It also imposed a fine of Rs 2000.
According to the prosecution, on August 8, 2013, Sanjay had caught hold of his minor son and inflicted grievous injuries on his neck with a shaving blade. He later consumed acid to commit suicide.
Earlier, on February 11, the court had held Sanjay guilty for the offence under section 307, saying it is of the opinion that "prosecution has been successful in proving its case beyond reasonable doubt that accused had attempted to kill his son by inflicting injuries with blade on his neck."
The court, however, acquitted Sanjay of the charges of attempt to commit suicide saying prosecution has failed to prove the charge as stomach-wash of accused was not sent to Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) for testing.