Additional Sessions Judge Virender Kumar Bansal passed the order while dismissing an appeal of Delhi resident Naveen Kumar against a magisterial court's verdict by which he was sentenced to five days' imprisonment and a fine of Rs 4,100.
"The fact shows that he was driving a two wheeler scooter and percentage of alcohol found in blood was 384.6 mg per 100 ml of blood whereas permissible limit is 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, i.E., twelve times more then the permissible limit.
It said, "Keeping in view the entire facts and also that the safety of other road users was also put on risk... In my opinion, trial court has rightly sentenced him. No ground is made out, accordingly, revision is dismissed. Revisionist be taken into custody."
Kumar was convicted under various provisions of Motor Vehicle Act after he voluntarily pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 5 days simple imprisonment and fine of Rs 4,100.
He had then approached the sessions court praying for a lenient view and submitted that he was is a married person having wife and two children and was the sole bread earner of the family.