Bharat Gohil, 40, was arrested on a complaint by Aziz Cyclewala but was released on bail later in the day, said inspector G A Sarvaiya of Umra police station.
Gohil had taken his canine to participate in the 'Pet Run' organised on January 26 near Kargil Chowk area of the city. At the event, he came with his dog draped in the tricolor, the inspector said.
Preliminary inquiry officer (PIO) in the case Dala Katara said Cyclewala, who was also present during the event, had filed a complaint with the police, which found the action offensive.
"We arrested Gohil under relevant sections of Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act. He was released on bail today itself," said Sarvaiya.
Gohil pleaded with the police that he was not aware of thelaw and not intentionally, the PIO said.