The accused Bharat Ramdas Dhokrat (32), who was arrested yesterday after police suspected the story he told them that his wife was gangraped and murdered by four robbers.
According police, Bharat allegedely murdered his 27-year-old wife Sheetal following a dispute with her on Sunday night.
However, after the murder, he cooked up a story and told the police that while returning home in Kolgaon village in Sinnar taluka on motorcycle on Sunday, they were stopped by four robbers at Bharvas Phata near Lasalgaon town.
After the killing, Bharat himself called up the police and told them a fake story about his wife's death, police claimed. However, police grew suspicious about his story as there were some contradictions in his statements. After a thorough interrogation, he admitted he killed his wife with the help of his friend Gulab Thakar (23) who was also arrested later, police said.
The court also remanded Thakar in police custody till February 8.