Additional Sessions Judge Ramesh Kumar-II held Delhi resident Sarajuddin guilty of assulting his neighbour Nishar Ahmed and said "in view of this court, ends of justice will meet if convict is sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for seven year and a fine of Rs 5,000."
According to the prosecution, the incident dated back to January 2010, when victim Ahmed was returning home after having tea from a neighbouring shop. He was accosted by Welcome Colony resident Sarajuddin who entered into an argument with him, saying he would teach him a lesson.
The prosecution said the accused was having an iron rod in his hand and he hit the victim at his head and also near his eye with it and fled the spot leaving him bleeding profusely. The victim was taken to hospital by police, which was called in after the attack.
Seeking maximum punishment for convict Sarajuddin, the prosecutor said he must be sentenced according to provisions of law "to teach a lesson to such uncivilized person."
The accused, however, claimed he was falsely implicated in the case by the police at the instance of the complainant.
The court, however, refused to accept his submission and said if the accused was not having the intention to kill the injured then he would have given single blow to the victim but he had caused three injuries on the complainant's head.