Additional Sessions Judge Umed Singh Grewal handed down the sentence to Sharwan who had fired two shots at the victim, Inder Mohan Chopra, while he was returning from his brick-kiln factory in Haryana.
The court convicted Sharwan for attempt to murder saying since he had fired the shots from close range, he had the intention and knowledge that his act could cause Chopra's death.
The court also noted that though no motive could be established by the evidence on record, "but from the facts (in the case), inference can be drawn that accused wanted PW1 (victim) to be scared so that he may pay easy money in future".
It also awarded four years rigorous imprisonment to Sharwan for the offence punishable under the Arms Act and said both sentences will run together, besides imposing a fine of Rs 10,000 on him.
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Sharwan, however, had fled the spot after seeing some people approaching the area. But before doing so he had also hit Chopra on the head with the butt of the gun, police had told the court.
Police had also told the court that Sharwan was an inter-state gangster and 24 other criminal cases relating to murder and firing at police party have also been registered against him in Delhi and Haryana.