The court said that after going through the contents of the woman's suicide note, it appears that the continuous harassment or the cruelty had forced her to take this extreme step of ending her life.
"The circumstances brought on record leaves no option to the deceased except to commit suicide. Commission of the suicide of the woman was due to the direct and alarming incitement caused by the accused," Additional Sessions Judge Atul Kumar Garg said.
According to the prosecution, the incident took place on March 25, 2015, when the woman committed suicide by consuming phenol(carbolic acid) in her matrimonial house.
She was taken to a hospital by her husband and was declared brought dead by doctors.
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The woman's parents told the court that their daughter had got married to Gupta in 2010 and he used to regularly beat and harass her and demand money. They alleged that the man would also beat Moni because she had given birth to two daughters.
During the trial, Gupta claimed innocence and that he was falsely implicated. He said he had not demanded any money from his father-in-law and that he did not know why his wife consumed poison.
He sought a lenient view in the sentence, saying he has to take care of two minor daughters and an aged mother.