The incident took place last night after the accused invited Archana (28) and her husband Hemendra Dongre for a patch up with them on the occasion of Rakhi festival, to their Gangadevi Nagar residence under Vijay Nagar police station area.
"Archana's parents and other relatives invited the couple as part of a conspiracy. When the couple reached there, they had an argument with Hemendra over some issue, following which nearly five persons of Archana's family strangulated Hemendra and critically injured her as they were not happy with their marriage," Superintendent of Police (east) OP Tripathi said.
Police have taken four out of five persons into custody, but Archana's father Parasram Aaroliya is absconding, he said.
Archana too sustained injuries as the accused allegedly hit her with stones and is undergoing treatment at a hospital here, the officer said, adding her condition is critical.