Kukatpally police station inspector K Purushotam said that Mallesh alias Raju, who was in love with one Vallabha Rao's daughter Neeraja, came to their house today morning and attacked the girl's mother Tulasamma and his brother Gangadhar before attacking her with a sickle after arguments with them over their rejection his love and marriage proposal.
Raju had proposed to Neeraja earlier on several occasions, but she and her family had rejected it, the police officer said.
Vallabha Rao, who was outside when the incident occurred, rushed inside his house after hearing cries and saw his family members lying on the floor with blood injuries, with Raju standing with a sickle, he said.
"Reportedly Raju also tried to attack Rao, but Rao snatched the sickle and hit Raju with it resulting in his death," he said.
Neeraja's condition is critical while her mother and brother's condition is out of danger, he said.