Bhola Singh along with his two accomplices allegedly attacked his daughter Veerpal Kaur (22) and son-in-law Baljit Singh (23) with sharp edged weapon at around 5:35 in the morning, Barnala DSP Palwinder Singh Cheema said today.
Baljit took his wife to Dhanulakhurd near bus stand from where she was to board a bus to reach textile factory where she was employed, the DSP said.
Bhola and his two accomplices allegeldy attacked both of them and caused grievous injuries with sharp edged weapons. Baljit died on the spot while Veerpal sustained serious head injuries and was admitted to DMC hospital Ludhiana, he said.
Bhola has been arrested while two others accomplices were absconding, police said adding that a murder case has been registered in this regard.