Yesterday, Gandhidham police of Kutch East, arrested five men for allegedly chopping off the nose and ears of 27-year-old Kashib Khan, who has been shifted to a city-based hospital for treatment.
Those arrested include Khan's father-in-law Yusuf Shaikh, his son, brother and two others. After being attacked on Saturday, Kashib Khan lodged a complaint on the same day, against his in-laws for brutally assaulting him as well as chopping off his nose and ears.
"Based on the complaint filed by Kashib Khan, we have arrested five men including Yusuf Shaikh, who was angry with Kashib Khan for falling in love with his daughter Sharifa and marrying her few months ago," Gandhidham 'B' division police sub-inspector P M Parmar said.
"During his stay, Kashib Khan met Shaikh's daughter Sharifa, a resident of Tuna in Anjar taluka of Kutch. Since both of them knew that her father Yusuf Shaikh would never approve of their relationship, they fled to Mumbai and registered a court marriage a few months ago, without informing Shaikh," Parmar said.
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"After arriving at Gandhidham on Saturday, Kashib Khan and Sharifa decided to seek police protection from her family, since they suspected that Shaikh would harm them. Before they could reach to police, Shaikh learnt about their arrival and abducted Kashib Khan midway. He was taken to Tuna, where Shaikh and others tied him up to a pole and thrashed him with sticks," Parmar said.
"To take revenge, Shaikh chopped off his son-in-law's nose and ears," Parmar said.