The accused Amrit Lal Kurre was apprehended yesterday based on the statement of four-year-old brother of the victim, who was witness to the incident that occurred in Jawali village under Bankimongra police station on February 28, a senior police official said.
The victim, daughter of deputy Sarpanch of the village, was found hanging at her home last Friday giving impression that she had committed suicide. Later, her postmortem report revealed that she was strangulated, the official said.
On the day of the incident, the accused followed his niece who was returning home, along with her brother, after taking bath from a nearby river, police said.
Finding no one at the victim's home, Kurre allegedly tried to force himself on her, however, the girl put up a strong resistance, police said.
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The accused then allegedly strangulated her to death fearing that she would reveal the incident, they said.
A case has been booked against Kurre under various sections of IPC, police said.