Sanjay Khatana, who used to attract the couples desiring to have a male child through a webportal and after obtaining request and money, he allegedly used to send the medical kit through courier to them, Haryana Health Secretary Rakesh Gupta said in a statement here.
He was running his office from Bristol Lawrence Road, Delhi and used to sell a kit for Rs 6,000, he said.
A decoy customer along with medical officer Dr Saryu called Khatana to Khandsa Road Gurgaon for delivering two kits for conceiving baby boy and he was given Rs 12,000.
A three-member team comprised Drug Control Officer Gurgaon Amandeep, Deputy Civil Surgeons Dr Saryu Sharma and Dr Vijay, nabbed the accused while he was accepting money for the kits.
A case has been registered under various sections of Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act against the accused, it said.