Shankar Yogi, who hails from Rajasthan, threatened before the bench of justices Kailash Gambhir and Indermeet Kaur which allowed 27 year-old Chandni Devi, mother of a child, to go with her husband Paramatma Nand Sharma, a Delhi resident from Jaitpur area.
The court, which was hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Sharma alleging police failure to bring back his wife despite his representations and also a missing complaint in January this year, asked Delhi government's Standing Counsel Pawan Sharma to ensure that Yogi was taken into police custody.
To a court's query whether she wanted to go with her husband or not, Devi told the bench that she should be allowed to go with her husband.
After recording her statement, the bench passed the order letting her go with her husband.
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According to the prosecution, immediately after the court's decision, Yogi told the court that the woman had come to him on her own after both of them fell in love with each other.
However, in the plea Sharma said he got married to Chandni in June 2008 and they were blessed with a child in 2012.