The incident took place last night near Alipur bus stand in Outer Delhi. The victim, identified as Rajiv, a resident of Hiranki village, sustained serious burn injuries and was admitted to LNJP Hospital in a critical condition, police said today.
According to police, both Rajiv and the accused, Vikram, 35, belonged to the same village. Rajiv had a plot which Vikram allegedly wanted to buy.
Rajiv had reportedly gone to the bus stand for a stroll where he met Vikram. Both were under the influence of alcohol when Vikram allegedly coerced Rajiv to sell his plot to him and threatened to torch him if he denied it.
And, while the victim was engulfed in flames, the crowd which had gathered there by now, watched him burn without trying to save him, police said.
An FIR has been registered in this connection and raids are being made to catch the accused who is on the run, the officer said.