According to a complaint filed at Muradnagar police station, Kuldeep (25) and Pradeep (22) opened fire at their brother Pawan this morning while he was asleep at home.
Police said Pawan was allegedly demanding a car from Pradeep who had sold his land three days back.
"Pawan used to demand a car from Pradeep since he had sold his land recently. Such behaviour of Pawan had angered both Kuldeep and Pradeep. A brawl had taken place between the brothers regarding the issue last night," a senior police officer said.
Apparently, Pawan too had sold his land few months back.
"Pradeep and Kuldeep are on the run. We are investigating the case, the accused would be arrested soon," police said.
The FIR was filed on the complaint of the deceased and the accused' mother Mithlesh.