Superintendent of Police R D Shinde told reporters here that the accused, Satish Ramdas Vaishnav, resident of Maliwada in Aurangabad district, was arrested yesterday and has been remanded by the court in police custody till August 13.
Six beggars were killed last month in separate incidents in the temple town in Ahmednagar district, famous for the shrine of Sai Baba.
Vaishnav, who worked in a catering business in Pune, was beaten up by beggars at the Pune Railway Station a few months back, police said, adding he wanted to avenge the incident, which led to the serial killings.
On July 27 he killed a beggar near Shiv Odha and next day he killed three others at three separate places and assaulted another beggar, the police said.
All the victims were aged between 50 to 55 years.
Police suspect that he might have killed beggars in Kolhapur and other parts of Maharashtra earlier.